If you are a student interested in SoCal Data Science Fellowship you can find information on program requirements as well as application process on this page.
University of California Irvine
Are you interested in a career in Data Science? Do you want a research experience with an industry or academic partner this coming summer? Do you want Data Science training that is directly applicable to potential employment after you graduate? Could you use a $5,000 scholarship this year?
The UC Irvine Mathematics department and School of Information and Computer Science is pleased to announce its SoCal Data Science Fellowship for the 2022-23 school year.
Benefits of being a SoCal Data Science Fellow:
$5000 stipend
7-week Summer Research Experience during Summer 2023
Data Science Training Bootcamp
Contact with academic and industry partners
Data Science Seminars and Workshops Throughout the Academic Year
Personalized advising by Data Science Faculty members
Strongly recommended to complete as many of following before Summer 2023 as possible:
Stats 6 (offered in Fall 2023 only)
Stats 67 (offered every quarter)
Stats 68 (offered in Spring 2023 only)
Stats 110 (offered in Fall 2023 only)
You will be required to enroll in Stats 5 during Winter 2023
Must demonstrate and articulate data science career / academic interests
Must participate in all required events/activities
Must be enrolled full-time at UCI through Fall 2023.
1st and 2nd Year Students are Preferred, but all are welcome to apply
Students from minoritized backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply
Please fill out the application by Mon, September 26 at 5pm. The application will ask basic demographic information, along with the following short-answer questions:
Describe courses or experiences you have had in the past that have generated your interest in Data Science.
What are your academic or career goals after graduating from UCI?
What topic or ideas in Data Science are you most interested in?
If you have any questions, please feel free to write to Bob Pelayo at rcpelayo@uci.edu.
Bob Pelayo and Babak Shahbaba
The SoCal Data Science UCI Team
This grant is funded by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Information & Intelligence Systems, Awards 2123366, 2123380, 2123384